The ultimate NFL experience in the TCL Arena

The NFL Super Bowl LVII was one of the most anticipated sports events of the year. And, since MO:ME:NT specializes in creating engaging virtual worlds, TCL Mexico teamed up with us to bring customers the action of this year's football season. We created a Metaverse and minted MO:ME:NT NFTs of all the playoff and the Super Bowl touchdowns.

The TCL Arena was a virtual space in which users could relive all of their favorite touchdowns from this year's NFL playoffs and the Super Bowl LVII. It also allowed users to collect digital art of touchdowns from these games.

What are MO:ME:NT Metaverses?

A metaverse is a virtual world that people can explore and interact with. It is a future universe in which all human interaction—including business, education, and socializing—takes place virtually via computer-generated simulations of reality, or what we now call virtual reality (VR). Thinkofitlikeanalternaterealitywhereanythingispossible.

So how are MO:ME:NT Metaverses different? MO:ME:NT creates custom metaverses for brands; these virtual spaces are designed to foster customer loyalty and help transition brands into the virtual world successfully.

From virtual meet and greets to great experiences like interviews, contests, shopping, etc.; there will be something for everyone.

The virtual TCL Arena

The TCL Arena in the metaverse was a place where users could relive the excitement of the NFL playoffs and the Super Bowl. They could also collect MO:ME:NT NFTs of the touchdowns. The arena also offered users the ability to create avatars, fans showed their support, and we had 265 cheers for their favorite MO:ME:NT.In addition, they participated in games, and had the chance to win amazing prizes.

The arena was filled with many different spaces where almost 1,000 visitors could explore and engage in different activities. These spaces included a stadium and a press box, among others. Plus, users got access to exclusive interviews and contests. And if that weren’t enough already—users even had access to immersive virtual engaging experiences that included amazing rewards.

Beyond the arena: gamification strategy

As part of our collaboration, MO:ME:NTestablished a gamification strategy that included creating personalized avatars, cheering and collecting MO:ME:NTs, and participating in contests. The main plan of action included a digital hunt. Users had to discover a golden football hidden in the TCL Arena. In order to find it, they had to explore the different areas of the Metaverse, which included an AR stadium, press box, and more. There were also clues hidden throughout the Metaverse that helped users find the golden football. The winner received a smart TV.

Beyond the Arena: new forms of engagement

The TCL Arena in the Metaverse is one such example of how businesses are creating immersive experiences for their customers. By allowing users to interact with each other in a simulated environment that looks and feels like a real-world location, TCL gave their customers a taste of what it might be like to lounge in the virtual world.

For example, ahead of the SuperBowl day, we celebrated in a truly unique way–by hosting an exclusive virtual watch party in the TCL Metaverse with influencer @Latingamer_mx onboard. And, of course, it wouldn't have been a proper celebration without rewards. That's why we gave away eight MO:ME:NT NFTs and a smart TV to some lucky guests during this one-of-a-kind event.

By leveraging NFTs and the Metaverse and gamifying the user experience, MO:ME:NT aimed to increase customer loyalty and participation for TCL Mexico and provide real-time interactions with consumers — enriching brand-customer relationships in this new digital era.

The final score

Most importantly, the TCL Arena in the Metaverse is an example of how businesses use the digital world to create immersive, one-of-a-kind customer experiences. Our partnership with TCL attracted 10,000 visits to the MO:ME:NT website and has resulted in new users interacting with the NFTs and within the metaverse helmet we created for TCL Mexico.

MO:ME:NT is quickly becoming the go-to partner for anyone looking to create or explore a virtual world for their brand. Our innovative approach to customer engagement and our realistic and engaging metaverses are helping customers take their first steps into the virtual world.